This is the personal site of Janne Kalliola. The raison d'etre
for the site is to provide information about myself, my skills and my projects,
for anybody interested in me, professionally or as a person.
I am a software product professional, having extensive theoretical and practical knowledge in project management, software architectures, UML design, development processes, quality assurance, and object-oriented languages. My expertise is currently focused on clustering, wireless services, Web based systems and electronic publishing. I have thorough understanding of XML and related standards that can be applied to aforementioned domains.
Besides working with software products, I am lecturing on both academic and commercial courses on various topics, such as product development, multichannel publishing, and using XML.
I enjoy designing web sites and digital photography. I used to create digital art, too, but unfortunately I do not have enough time to work with it anymore.
I am happily married – our family of five is living in Espoo, Finland. I enjoy reading contemporary literature, seeing modern art, and travelling with my wife and kids around the globe.
Photo by Sanna Kalliola